Our Tenets and Beliefs

There is no faith, all that is real can be tested, measured and observed. Something true does not need faith as it is real regardless of whether one believes in it or not. If an idea or truth requires faith to be true it should be challenged, if it only relies on faith it should be disregarded. 

Not all questions have simple answers and life’s hardest questions can only be answered through research into the rules that govern reality and that is the only way to find Universal Truth. 

It is fine not to understand everything, but false knowledge holds man back from Universal Truth. Professing false truths should be avoided and all ideas should be challenged and proven to be accepted. Accepted truths should be continually challenged to verify them or refine them. 

If there is a God they can be seen as the rule maker of reality and their actions are measurable by the rules that govern reality.

Good work brings us closer to understanding the truths of reality and help us use those to the advancement of all mankind. Doing this will let us make a living heaven in our own universe. 


Morality is relative and that when making decisions of right and wrong  those decisions should be based on whether someone is done harm and if that decision is one you would want done to you. Harm done to others should only be done when no other reasonable means is available and when it will be done to prevent harm to others. Since morality is relative, decisions should be made on a case by case basis and hard rules on right and wrong should not be codified in stone. If one does undue harm to another they should attempt to make amends as best they can and admit fault, if appropriate give more than the harm done as a means to attone. 


Members should be fruitful in terms of economic production and that nothing is wrong with amassing wealth as long as principles are applied to that wealth gain: Transactions should be square and fair in that each side of a transaction is equitable and beneficial to each side, transactions should not be made under duress or coercion, parties should not profit from transactions that are made specifically to harm others, production and economic gain should ultimately improve humanity and further mankind, profit should not be made from the withholding of specific knowledge or truths as knowledge should be freely shared to advance the progress of mankind. 


Charity is a virtue, but should not be done frivolously or to one’s own benefit. Charitable works should be based on advancing knowledge and by supporting other member’s by sharing your own knowledge to aid in their own advancement. No charity should be expected without fair compensation and that if members or free men do seek help from the church or church members they should compensate those giving them aid at a fair rate and if one seeking help is not able to compensate them due to hardship that they must either do so in the future or give charity of equal value to other members if deemed appropriate by the person giving charity. Charity done should be profitable - in that the value gained from being charitable should produce more than the value put into the charitable act. Charity that does not produce an economic profit is a sin and a drain on the community and it prevents us from attaining communal benefit. Those seeking charity who have not used what was given to create benefit or profit shall not receive charity and church members may be penalized or have their membership in the church revoked if they waste charity. 


Mental and physical health are virtues and should be cherished. Activities should focus on maintaining these with both work and recreation. Good work and recreation should improve mental and physical health and work and recreation that takes from these should be avoided. Since morality is relative, all actions should be judged independently by the persons doing them based on what they believe will do good and others should refrain on judgement if those actions do not affect their own well being. 


Actions with natural consequences should not be subverted or removed as these are their own punishments. One can educate another or rationalize with another member on their decisions, but individuals should be free to make mistakes or make decisions that may be against their best interest. The only time the church or members should intervene in potentially harmful decisions or actions is when it hurts someone else, especially if they are not capable of defending or making decisions on their own. Justice should be served based on lawful and civil means if laws are broken, but if this is not the case the church or members should make reasonable efforts to prevent harm, but should only intervene in the least amount possible if the situation does require intervention. 


The goal of the church should be to amass knowledge in all manners and to use that knowledge to answer great questions about life and to improve the financial, emotional and spiritual well being of mankind. The church should make efforts to promote the gathering of new knowledge and to make that knowledge available to others openly. Members of the church should act in the like to amass and spread individual knowledge so that they can improve their own financial, emotional and spiritual well being. The church and it’s members should promote this ideal and use their resources to promote it in themselves and others. The church’s library of knowledge should be public and free so that others may benefit from this knowledge. 


Proselytizing - no person should be coerced into joining the church and all members should join of their own accord. Children of members can join in church activities, but should not be considered members until they are deemed capable of making a rational decision of their own accord to join. Although members can speak of the church in public they should not actively seek new members as to not coerce them into joining. The church should not prey upon people during times of weakness and should not expect membership in exchange for goods, services or charity. 


Membership should be open to all who want to freely join and are of sound mind to decide on becoming a member. Dues should be decided by higher members of the church and be used to support church activities. Those who cannot afford membership should not be restricted in gaining knowledge from the church, but the church can restrict access to other property owned by the church for the benefit of its members. The church can restrict access to members and non members on a punitive basis on a case by case basis to any and all facilities and property if deemed necessary. 


Conflicts of interest and coercion - when acting on others, in conversation, business and otherwise one should always be aware of their influence on others. One can use their influence to change the minds, decisions and actions of others and when that is done all need to be aware of when they are doing so to gain from it themselves and to be aware that this can cause a subtle harm in the form of coercion and conflicting interests. For example a church member owns their own business and has several employees, but in doing so gives preferential treatment to other church members and because it is known he is a member of the church, non member employees may feel compelled to join the religion or to consider practicing. This does harm because non members may be compelled to change their thoughts because of a secondary gain, rather than a true belief or want to join. Preferential treatment to member employees does harm because it prevents qualified individuals from progressing economically and the community has harm done because the business may not run as efficiently or as well if the business bases promotions and hiring less qualified individuals based on their religion. To avoid harm all should be aware of the influence they have and whether or not others are compelled by their true and rational judgement or if they are compelled by outside influences or secondary gain. Church members should be vigilant and if any coercion or conflict of interests appear to exist they should bring them up with any parties involved and have an open conversation to determine if those harms may exist and if they have good cause to believe they do exist they should take appropriate steps if possible to avoid them if reasonable and if it doing so will not cause worse harm. 


Decision making and harm - Decisions should be made based on maximizing potential good and minimizing potential harm. All decisions can be viewed in terms of risk, potential harm and potential good and when guiding decisions these should be viewed objectively and used to guide what choices should be made. This is difficult because of the risk of an uncertain future - that even a decision that, when analyzed, may have the greatest benefit and least harm at the time it is made, may not end up with the best outcome after coming to fruition. This can bias our judgement because future outcomes are uncertain and after outcomes happen we should review what happened to determine if the logic and reasoning behind the decision was sound at the time it was made. It is a logical fallacy to assume a decision was right or wrong only based on the outcome and this can do harm. One could invest wisely and lose everything and one could gamble their fortunes and double it - not because the decisions were right or wrong, but because of the risk of an uncertain future which fools us into making inaccurate associations, clouds rational judgement, and prevents us from making better decisions in the future.